Why Change? Why Now?

I know what you're here for.  You have two questions:  Why change? and Why now? I'll answer that in a bit, but first, let me back up and give you a little background (in a nutshell). My love affair of paper began with my college job at Calligraphy Etc. (back when it...

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Change is Coming

Normally I don't like change.  It's uncomfortable.  It's different.  It's not always fun, but sometimes it is necessary- and in this case I think it is. I've been hesitant to announce this for awhile, but since it's been rolling around in my head for almost two years,...

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Happy St.Patrick’s Day

Happy St.Patrick’s Day

Happy St.Patrick's Day from me and my little redheads! (I can't even tell you how many tries it took to get a shot where Linus wasn't trying to eat the hat off of Lucy's head!  I guess I got lucky!) May there always be work for your hands to do. May your purse always...

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FREE Red Mustache Printable

FREE Red Mustache Printable

With St. Patty's Day right around the corner, I thought it might be fun to help you get in the Spirit O' the Irish! How about this straw idea for your St.Patty's shindig this weekend?  Kids and adults alike are sure to enjoy these! Simply download the free printable...

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