Hello there, I’m Kandice (owner at Barque). I surround myself with the things that make me happy – family, my dogs {Lucy and Linus}, good food, antiques, positive friends and pretty paper. I’m a Christian, redhead, gift store owner, self-taught designer, loving dog-momma, amateur cook and foodie, paper lover, estate sale junkie, salt connoisseur, hilarious sister (if I do say so myself), awesome daughter, and honest friend. Some may call me stubborn, but I prefer “determined”. I love organization, but a messy desk means that the creative juices are flowing, so I let it slide occasionally. Efficiency drives my life, and most of my days live and die by my To Do list. I honestly enjoy all that I have (I’m pretty blessed), but I desire more – of everything – joy, faith, love, happiness, freedom, fulfillment… the list is endless. “I just want it all!” – Me, age 5, in Toys ‘R’ Us, as in a story told by my father I know that I am exactly where I’m supposed to be right now, and that feels pretty amazing. Every day I can’t believe how blessed I am. I’m learning to love how to expect and depend on God’s mercies every day. This page is all about my adventure as a small business owner and the things I love – stationery + food + dogs, and everything that inspires me in-between.
“… Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”