Over the past few years, I’ve become a collector of vintage milk jars (as if I  need more quirky items to collect).  I started my collection when I went to Steamboat Springs, Colorado for MusicFest several years ago.  I just wanted a little souvenir from the local antique store.  Since then, I’ve picked up a few here and there at antique stores.  I love using them placed around the house with fresh flowers!  They’ve just got so much more character than a regular glass vase…

This weekend, I purged my kitchen and reorganized some of the cabinets, so I decided to put all of my milk jars in the same place (instead of six).  My grandmother had given me this wooden crate, and I decided that it would fit perfectly in a lower cabinet and serve as a “drawer” for my collection. DSC_1009

This DIY project was a real doozy – I attached felt pads to the bottom corners of the crate.  The End.


DSC_1013DSC_1016DSC_1018Now I have easy access to all of my milk jar options!